Jun 15, 2009


Hanuman, Rama, Sita

Hanuman Gayatri for strength and selfless love

In hinduism on December 22, 2008 at 4:42 am

Hanuman Gayatri for amazing stamina and great health

Hanuman Gayatri is for those who want to develop a amazing stamina, the power of selfless love, great physical strength and the power to heal wounds promptly. Hanuman is the embodiment of strength, stamina, wit, loyalty and unwavering devotion. Hanuman is also fearless and never hesitating. Hanuman gayatri is an extraordinary gayatri mantra for those who want to develop qualities like Hanuman. If you are ever in need of strength Hanuman Gayatri is for you. And the strength is both physical as well as inner strength. You can get rid of your fears with Hanuman Gayatri and get rid of doubts too. Your loyalty and devotion will increase manifold and you will also be blessed with clarity of mind to see through things. For where there is clarity of mind, doubts and hesitation will be pushed out of the back door.



Barbara O'Brien guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 10 March 2009 21.30 GMT

"...He embodies spiritual enlightenment to some and backward ignorance to others. Which of these personae is the real Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama?

"To a Buddhist, the question is absurd. A foundational Buddhist doctrine is that we all are empty of intrinsic self. There is no soul, no permanent and cohesive individual who inhabits our limbs. Our "I" is a persistent delusion, re-created each moment by our senses and nervous systems. This is true of his holiness also, the "real" Dalai Lama.

"... In Buddhism, what's called "reincarnation" or "rebirth" is not a soul migrating to another body. Rebirth might be understood as the activity or intention of one life carried over to another. Think of the energy of a wave causing another wave. The reborn individual is not the same person, but neither is he another person.

"Journalists persist in calling the Dalai Lama a "god", but this is not correct. His holiness is thought to be an emanation of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, an iconic being who represents boundless compassion. Avalokiteshvara appears throughout the several schools of Mahayana Buddhism in many forms, sometimes male, sometimes female. In English, sometimes he is called a "god", and sometimes she is called a "goddess".

"However, gods and goddesses of Buddhism are not understood the same way gods and goddesses are understood by most westerners. Buddhist gods and goddesses have no intrinsic being or existence. It is a bit closer to a Buddhist understanding to think of them as archetypes. They represent aspects of enlightenment, such as wisdom and compassion. They also represent our own deepest nature.

"...To Tibetans, the role of Dalai Lama has countless layers of significance. The man Tenzin Gyatso seems not so much to live the role as to let the role live him. Now in his 70s, since the age of six he has spent at least four hours a day in meditation and study. He rises in the early morning hours to empty himself of attractions and aversions, of ego and self-clinging. He moves through the day responding to each person, each moment, fully and appropriately. This is the ideal of Buddhist practice.

"Who is the real Dalai Lama? According to Buddhist teaching, whatever you see in him is most likely a projection of the inner reality you cultivate. Whatever that is, is it more or less real than anything else you see?"


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