Jun 5, 2013

The Lightning Bolt of Compassion

A brief ‘Prayer that Spontaneously Fulfils All Wishes’ (Sampa Lhundrupma) byTerton Jalu Dorje (Do Khyentse)

O Guru Rinpoche, in your glory you embody Buddha, Dharma and Sangha,
Lama, Yidam and Khandro and all the Sugatas,
The sole refuge of beings who are without protection in this Dark Age.
Your compassion is as swift as lightning To treng Tsal
Maha Guru – wrathful Padma Heruka,
With fervent longing and devotion we pray to you:
Avert enemies, dons, obstructing forces, obstacle-makers, curses and spells,
Bring all negative forces, Gyalpo, Senmo and Jungpo demons under your subjugation
Grant your blessings so that all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled.