One of the brighter commentators pointed out before Conservative Prime Minister Cameron assumed power in the UK that the new government would be forced into actions that 'would make the Tories unelectable for a generation,' and that appears inevitable, a silver lining and the most likely scenario.
The regular pronouncements by the Mullahs that nuclear weapons are hateful to God, like many of their statements, an underlining of the obvious, is never going to get any air time in the US, I fear. Even the blogosphere avoids it. Too confrontational, I suppose; it wouldn’t be very bright to call a liar a fellow who's announced he has the right to kill you at his discretion.
The Russians have achieved their centuries old dream of a warm water port, escaping from the network of missile bases the US had built around them, (all aimed at 'rogue states' like Iran, ca va sans dire, of course, of course.) A number of their warships were docked at the Syrian port of Tartous, somewhat north of Lebanon, together with the Iranian ships that recently sailed through the Suez Canal.
Recently discovered, though it has been headline stuff for some time, but only in Arabic and Russian language spaces, is that large numbers of Russian troops were on board the warships, and that these have been landed in Syria. 'Military advisors,' of course, the Russians have got the hang of properly 'kulturny' language by now, but leaving Senator McCain and his ilk in the US very far behind the curve. They'll have to make do with Kofi Annan.
Add that to the South Stream pipeline, leaving the US favored Nabucco pipeline nowhere, and a massively anchored rear end back in Asia with their Chinese allies, and it's looking pretty good for them.
On a recent trip to the United States, Barack Obama took David Cameron to a Native Indian American gathering.
He spoke for almost an hour on his plans for a Carbon Trading Tax for the UK, America and Europe.
At the conclusion of his speech, the crowd presented him with a plaque inscribed with his new Indian name –
Walking Eagle.
A very chuffed David Cameron then departed in his motorcade, waving to the crowds.
A news reporter later asked the traditional Chief of the Indians how they came to select the new name given to the P.M.
He explained that Walking Eagle is the name given to a bird so full of shit it can no longer fly.
This is the gentleman, as far as my gleanings from the other side of the Atlantic have been able to gather, who has so far privatized the NHS, (the national health service), the prisons, even the police, in an effort to do everything possible to imitate the USA. I freely confess I am not one of his fans.
My point is that the inhabitants of the 'Islands of the Blessed' as the British Isles were known in the ancient world, can not escape the effect of events in the outside world. That is more especially so in the case of a ruler (Walking Eagle) who is openly trying to make the country a carbon copy of all the failed systems plaguing the USA.
Since the main policy drive of the USA is the anti-Iran initiative, slavishly imitated by Walking Eagle, and the aim is repeat in that country what was achieved in Libya, the complete destruction of a country that gave all its citizens free healthcare, free education, free study abroad, something westerners can only dream of, it seems reasonable to mention some of the Iranian statements, such as that nuclear weapons are hateful to God, that will never be allowed to see the light of day by Walking Eagle or his US model, and also to highlight some of the political realities of Syria, perhaps a target even before Iran. (At least I didn't raise the role of the Bank for International Settlements, or its tentacles the IMF and World Bank.)
As the trees say in the Lord of the Rings, anything worth saying is worth saying at enormous length.
Boring I may be, but brief I ain't.
Mar 22, 2012
Mar 9, 2012
Schickelgrubr of the Thousand Years
I can remember listening to the speeches of Herr Schickelgrubr (he didn’t change his name to that of his stepfather, Hitler, until after the trip to Liverpool.)
The speeches were full of what Chaucer would call ‘high sentence,’ i.e., noble sentiments, on the nobility and heroism of the great German people, which did duty to explain unfortunate events such as the loss of an entire army at Stalingrad, now Kaliningrad, I believe. Skulls of German soldiers are still dug up around the area, and the top sections serve as ashtrays in fashionable dentists’ waiting rooms.
The Volk, the people, figured prominently in Herr Schickelgrubr’s speeches, (tho’ not the Volkswagen, or people’s car, the Beetle, as far as I remember, so tightly engineered you have to open a window before you can close the door, nor the spaghetti tangle of highways he invented that now exist everywhere.)
We were on the other side, of course, but there was no way of avoiding the speeches, any more than the pronouncements of Howdy Doody can be evaded in the contemporary USA. I remain thankful for the early experience in regularly indulging death penalty offenses such as listening to the BBC; it made later events familiar, or déjà vu as Americans like to say, without worrying too much. ‘We owe God a death’ as Prince Hal pointed out.
One of Herr Schickelgrubr’s themes was the establishment of the Thousand Year Empire, [das Tausend Jaehrige Reich] which he referred to regularly. In many respects, this shows similarities to the American Century, a boast rather than a fact.
Very recently discovered, a few years ago, is the fact that Herr Schickelgrubr’s full sister, Anna Schickelgrubr, his only known blood relative, was kept safe in a sanatorium throughout WW2. No doubt she received the best possible care, and the discovery was on the whole chalked up to his credit. To keep safe your sister, who may not be capable of living in the outside world, was understandable.
So much for Schickelgrubr. Apart from nightmare moments when the possibilities of cloning are considered, he is safely dead.
What of the living, and what in particular of these United States?
It is always a difficult task to winnow out the truth in any situation where one authority controls all the news media, or infotainment as it is now called. It appears, however, that the ruler of the USA did sign into law a regulation allowing him to end the life of any US citizen at his sole discretion at the time of the local 2011/2012 New Year.
(If this were not so, why would the US Attorney General spend quite so much time and effort justifying, by various subterfuges, the right of the ruler to end any citizen’s life at his sole discretion?)
This Attorney General was the legal advisor of a company found to have paid the FARC to bump off union organizers and civil rights activists that were obstructing the company, making him a person not perhaps suitable to be Attorney General.
This may well tempt some to give up the unequal struggle: ‘Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.’
The better informed however will point to HB 1160
which records the vote by the Virginia Senate to refuse all implementation of that federal law, and forbid all co-operation with federal authorities trying to impose it, allowing the better informed to respond with, ‘Blessed are they who reside in Virginia, for they shall not be imposed upon.’ From the Senate it goes to the House, who have already approved the bill by 96-4.
No doubt the struggle between states and the federal authorities will continue, but a number of states are considering similar legislation; in Washington State, the bill is full non-compliance.
The speeches were full of what Chaucer would call ‘high sentence,’ i.e., noble sentiments, on the nobility and heroism of the great German people, which did duty to explain unfortunate events such as the loss of an entire army at Stalingrad, now Kaliningrad, I believe. Skulls of German soldiers are still dug up around the area, and the top sections serve as ashtrays in fashionable dentists’ waiting rooms.
The Volk, the people, figured prominently in Herr Schickelgrubr’s speeches, (tho’ not the Volkswagen, or people’s car, the Beetle, as far as I remember, so tightly engineered you have to open a window before you can close the door, nor the spaghetti tangle of highways he invented that now exist everywhere.)
We were on the other side, of course, but there was no way of avoiding the speeches, any more than the pronouncements of Howdy Doody can be evaded in the contemporary USA. I remain thankful for the early experience in regularly indulging death penalty offenses such as listening to the BBC; it made later events familiar, or déjà vu as Americans like to say, without worrying too much. ‘We owe God a death’ as Prince Hal pointed out.
One of Herr Schickelgrubr’s themes was the establishment of the Thousand Year Empire, [das Tausend Jaehrige Reich] which he referred to regularly. In many respects, this shows similarities to the American Century, a boast rather than a fact.
Very recently discovered, a few years ago, is the fact that Herr Schickelgrubr’s full sister, Anna Schickelgrubr, his only known blood relative, was kept safe in a sanatorium throughout WW2. No doubt she received the best possible care, and the discovery was on the whole chalked up to his credit. To keep safe your sister, who may not be capable of living in the outside world, was understandable.
So much for Schickelgrubr. Apart from nightmare moments when the possibilities of cloning are considered, he is safely dead.
What of the living, and what in particular of these United States?
It is always a difficult task to winnow out the truth in any situation where one authority controls all the news media, or infotainment as it is now called. It appears, however, that the ruler of the USA did sign into law a regulation allowing him to end the life of any US citizen at his sole discretion at the time of the local 2011/2012 New Year.
(If this were not so, why would the US Attorney General spend quite so much time and effort justifying, by various subterfuges, the right of the ruler to end any citizen’s life at his sole discretion?)
This Attorney General was the legal advisor of a company found to have paid the FARC to bump off union organizers and civil rights activists that were obstructing the company, making him a person not perhaps suitable to be Attorney General.
This may well tempt some to give up the unequal struggle: ‘Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.’
The better informed however will point to HB 1160
which records the vote by the Virginia Senate to refuse all implementation of that federal law, and forbid all co-operation with federal authorities trying to impose it, allowing the better informed to respond with, ‘Blessed are they who reside in Virginia, for they shall not be imposed upon.’ From the Senate it goes to the House, who have already approved the bill by 96-4.
No doubt the struggle between states and the federal authorities will continue, but a number of states are considering similar legislation; in Washington State, the bill is full non-compliance.
Mar 4, 2012
What will happen
When all those troops being withdrawn arrive back in the States?
Well, for them, ‘Killing people is kinda fun,’ as a number of them have admitted, indeed just the real life version of computer games they’ve played for years.
Their first targets are likely to be the Latinos already being rounded up en masse in southern states for possibly being illegal immigrants, but they’re not likely to stop there.
You were not heard to complain when your Latino neighbors were being rounded up, and so it’s fair to assume you’re OK with the system.
They rather enjoy hunting down these two legs, two arms, torso and head types for sport, as you know, and then pissing on the corpses. (Who were they? Who cares, not important.)
They’re unlikely to restrict themselves to Latinos, however, and the legal framework is in place.
Something to look forward to among the tornadoes, floods, and drought.
Well, for them, ‘Killing people is kinda fun,’ as a number of them have admitted, indeed just the real life version of computer games they’ve played for years.
Their first targets are likely to be the Latinos already being rounded up en masse in southern states for possibly being illegal immigrants, but they’re not likely to stop there.
You were not heard to complain when your Latino neighbors were being rounded up, and so it’s fair to assume you’re OK with the system.
They rather enjoy hunting down these two legs, two arms, torso and head types for sport, as you know, and then pissing on the corpses. (Who were they? Who cares, not important.)
They’re unlikely to restrict themselves to Latinos, however, and the legal framework is in place.
Something to look forward to among the tornadoes, floods, and drought.
Mar 1, 2012
The Queen, gawd bless 'er,
in her diamond jubilee speech recommended the practice of neighbourliness, a quality easier found in the USA than in Britain.
This is probably because Americans have had uniformly shitty governments ever since the birth of their state 236 years ago, and have therefore had to fend pretty much for themselves and look after each other, much as the Norsemen did in ancient times.
(The original draft of the US constitution stipulated as inalienable rights, life, liberty, and property. The last item was regarded as too dangerous, - crucially in the case of women, ownership of their own bodies - by the eighteenth century white male land and slave owners writing the document, and the more vague life liberty and the pursuit of happiness was substituted. As one of them put it, it might be used to encourage populist pressures for equal distribution of property, and other wicked schemes. The constitution was quite deliberately framed to protect and institutionalize rule by and for the rich in perpetuity.)
The Havamal, the tenth century Norse document, for example recommends staying on good terms with your neighbour. In case of a fire, they 'will rush out to help in their nightshirts, while kinsmen dawdle over their equipment,' your kinsmen always being miles away, while your neighbours would like to keep the flames from getting to their own houses.
The Vikings did have a weakness for wandering off to see if they couldn't pick up a bit of something further afield; indeed, that's what the word 'viking,' or 'raiding,' means, and why it was applied to the Norsemen.
It seems doubtful, however, that a few yards of embroidered cloth, a gold ring or two, and whatever else they could carry off was worth all that trouble and danger, not to mention wounds, and so one must conclude the Norsemen probably did it because they enjoyed it. Arguably Americans suffer from a similar urge.
So Rudyard Kipling asked, in the Spear Song of the Danish women:
"What is woman that you forsake her
And the hearth and the home acre
To go with the old grey widow maker?"
This is probably because Americans have had uniformly shitty governments ever since the birth of their state 236 years ago, and have therefore had to fend pretty much for themselves and look after each other, much as the Norsemen did in ancient times.
(The original draft of the US constitution stipulated as inalienable rights, life, liberty, and property. The last item was regarded as too dangerous, - crucially in the case of women, ownership of their own bodies - by the eighteenth century white male land and slave owners writing the document, and the more vague life liberty and the pursuit of happiness was substituted. As one of them put it, it might be used to encourage populist pressures for equal distribution of property, and other wicked schemes. The constitution was quite deliberately framed to protect and institutionalize rule by and for the rich in perpetuity.)
The Havamal, the tenth century Norse document, for example recommends staying on good terms with your neighbour. In case of a fire, they 'will rush out to help in their nightshirts, while kinsmen dawdle over their equipment,' your kinsmen always being miles away, while your neighbours would like to keep the flames from getting to their own houses.
The Vikings did have a weakness for wandering off to see if they couldn't pick up a bit of something further afield; indeed, that's what the word 'viking,' or 'raiding,' means, and why it was applied to the Norsemen.
It seems doubtful, however, that a few yards of embroidered cloth, a gold ring or two, and whatever else they could carry off was worth all that trouble and danger, not to mention wounds, and so one must conclude the Norsemen probably did it because they enjoyed it. Arguably Americans suffer from a similar urge.
So Rudyard Kipling asked, in the Spear Song of the Danish women:
"What is woman that you forsake her
And the hearth and the home acre
To go with the old grey widow maker?"
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